The Family Mass
The family mass is now in existence at St Joseph and St Benildus Church. It was originally set by a group of parents who felt there was a need to create greater participation for young children in the Mass. Family mass is celebrated every Sunday from September to June at 9.30 am.
The children aged 7 years and under leave the main Mass just before the readings and move to a smaller room in the church where a child friendly version of the gospel is communicated through stories, pictures and symbols. The children are encouraged to ask and answer questions relating to the weeks liturgy. The children return to the main Mass just before the Eucharistic prayers.
Once a month, the children’s choir directed by Mr Jay Shanahan sing at the Children’s Mass. At Christmas time the children participate in our annual Carol Service. Twice a year we invite all the parishioners after the family mass to tea and goodies in the parish hall adjacent to the church. This has proved to be a popular event for all ages and serves as a wonderful opportunity to meet new parishioners for a welcome chat!
It is important to point out that all our volunteers are Garda vetted prior to appointment and each volunteer is expected to be knowledgeable and conform to our standards set by our Safeguarding Children Policy.