Progress report – MAY 2020

In the midst of this time of great uncertainty, it is nice to have some cause for celebration.
The construction of the sand-dam in Ishiara Parish, Kenya has been completed. This was to be our first project with our partner parish in Kenya. The dam will ensure that there will be a supply of fresh water for many families in the area. It means they will have sufficient water for irrigation purposes. It means also that children won’t have t to walk miles everyday to collect water from the river.. We are most grateful to all who supported the fund-raising endeavours. We hope you enjoy the presentation below.
Fr Liam


Author Report [Bernard  Muendo]
Date of Report [24/2/2020]
Intervention area: [Mbeere north sub county –  Evurore  ward]
Period covered: [30th Jan –  24th Feb 2020

2.1 Introduction

This is a Project a tripartite project between St. Joseph & Benildus and St Mary’s Parish Partnership Committee (JBM, Ishiara Development Project (Ishiara) and SASOL Foundation (SASOL) and it is located in Kamavaru village ishiara parish. Mbeere North is mostly characterized by hot and dry semi-arid zones due to low annual rainfall of less than 600 mm per annum and with open pan evaporation rate exceeding 2000mm per annum. Water shortage in the region has been a constraining factor limiting both crop production and livestock rearing hence leading to food insecurity.  Over 60% of ASAL inhabitants live below the poverty line (subsisting on one dollar per day) (2007 ASAL development policy-Government of Kenya).

The goal of the project is “Creation of water for Multiple use systems in Kamavaru village” addressing the following objectives;-

  1. Construction of one sand dam.
  2. 30 community members mobilized to participate in construction of the sand dam.
  3. To construct an offtake well.
  4. To build capacities of water user group on group dynamics and operation and maintenance of water facilities.

2.2 Key results achieved (as per the proposal plan)

Objective 1: To construct  1 sand dam
One sand dam made to create access to water for 100 people
Sand dam trench excavated, filling of trench  at river bed done up to sand level and one wing wall constructed to completion.

Objective 2: To construct offtake well.
The proposal highlighted on abstraction of water from the sand dam.
Technical siting of the well done, pegged and deep sinking to start
the 1st week of March.

Objective 3: To build the capacities of water user group on group dynamics and operation and maintenance of water facilities.
Sand dams have been widely regarded as appropriate strategy as sources of water for multiple uses with a projected impact on micro-climate improvement, food security and water supply. However there is need to maintain them so as to attain the said impact.
One community member identified and taking part of on-job training on construction of sand dam. Training on Group dynamics to be done in second week of March once the community members are almost through with sand dam construction.