Thank You to all the Brave swimmers from Stephen’s Day
(We’ll update the total raised shortly)

Ho Ho Noooooooooooooooooo! (12th Dec 2024)

It’s time for our St. Stephen’s Day fund-raising swim.
Have you got what it takes ? Need to loose a few pounds of turkey ? This is for you 🙂
December 26th, The Strand, Dunmore East, splash-time: 12:30.
Sponsorship cards at back of church. Or use link below if you can’t get to the church on time.

Tumaini Water Tank has been completed (click on video)

***** Tumaini Water Tank – nearing completion (95% as 2nd Nov)

  • “Tumaini” translates as “Hope”.
    The tank will be located in Kyenire (township/village), in Embo Administrative Area (county).

    *** A big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to our recent Quarterly collection. ****
    ****************We raised 1,966.65 over the weekend of Sept 28th/29th***********