*** Next Fund Raising Collection: 15/16th June, all masses. ****

Tumaini Water Tank – nearing construction Phase

  • Tank is approx 6m in diameter,
    and 4m high, although it will be set at least 1.5 or more  into the ground.

    There is a cast concrete roof also.

  • The tank can hold 100M3 of water.
  • This can be collected from the piped system during the rainy seasons when there is excess available
    (the piped water system fails to supply water during parts of the dry season).
    With this capacity it is expected to support 120 families during the harshest dry period.
  • We hope to have sufficient funds to start construction before August.
  • “Tumaini” translates as “Hope”.
    The tank will be located in Kyenire (township/village), in Embo Administrative Area (county).