Congratulations to Ella Brown, Peter Meehan, Fergal Carey and Orla Quinn, the four TY students from Waterpark College who completed the Gold Medal Programme of the John Paul 11 Awards project. Fr. Liam presented them with their medals during a short ceremony following the 6.30pm Mass last Saturday in St. Joseph & Benildus Church .
To complete the programme, each student had to commit to 20 hours service in the parish & 20 hours in the community, & then submit a paper on aspects of Christian life. They felt that they gained a lot from the experience and of course contributed to the community life in our parish.
Peter Meehan completed his 20 hours community work by coaching with the Villa Football club, he completed his 20 hours service in the parish by updating and maintaining the parish website. Ella Brown assisted with the children’s liturgy on Sunday morning and with family ministry. Fergal Carey was a minister of the Word at the 10.30am children’s Mass on Sunday mornings and assisted with the cub group of the local scouts. Orla Quinn as involved with riding for the disabled for her 20 hours community service and assisted with Family Ministry for her 20 hours of service in the parish.
The Pope John Paul II Award enables participants to take an active part in the life of their Church – in the life of their community and society. It also enables young people become more aware of the teaching and role of the Catholic Church in the world and to engage at a deep level with Christ.
The Award is committed to helping young people enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development through participation in school, parish and community activities.
Run in many dioceses across the country over the last few years, The Pope John Paul II Award is a program, which encourages our young people to get involved in their community and parish, and as part of our parish commitment to enhancing the lives of our young people on their journey through faith. The award has been set up with the kind and generous support of the Knights of St Columbanus.
Diocesan coordinator of the pope John Paul II award, Fr. Michael Toomey, said he was literally ‘astounded’ at the enthusiasm and commitment all students have given and put into this award. “When people ask me – ‘where are the young people in our church?’ I can now say that they are just outside the door and waiting to be invited in!” Fr. Michael added: “The feedback from the students has been so open and honest that it makes very good reading for priests, parish councils and schools in how to get their enthusiasm and energy back into the church. This award helps everyone to do that.”
The award allows students to assist in many parish and community ministries, and they in turn gain many experiences and talents, which enhance their spiritual and personal development. :www.thepopejohnpauliiaward.com/waterford-and-lismore