DURING the last 12 months, when the pandemic gripped the world and caused unprecedented upheaval, our daily routines were changed in ways we never thought possible. For some, it was an opportunity to reconnect with family while others sought to explore old skills or developing new talents. For Joe O’Beirne , it was an opportunity to work on a newly composed Mass, which you will be able to enjoy today at this Mass, and also via live stream on you tube (emphasise that the livestreaming service wont be able to show the virtual choral performance.) began working on on a Mass “written in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic”. “Given the obvious context of the time, the theme of the Mass is “Mass in time of trial”. At the beginning, the music reflects the dark mood of our current situation – including a setting of the psalm “Out of the depths I cry to you O Lord”, but as it proceeds, it becomes more positive and reassuring – finishing with the words “Dona nobis pacem” (“Grant us peace”).” The timing of the Mass couldn’t be better as our lives slowly return to normal and a beacon light can very definitely be seen at the end of the tunnel. Pentecost is the Feast of the Light of the holy spirit coming into our world, so it is a most appropriate feast on which to celebrate the world premier of this Mass. Last January, twelve singers came together on Zoom to begin preparing the music, with a view to being able to sing it live in April or May. However, as the months went by, it became apparent that it would not be possible to have a live choral performance and so they decided to do a virtual recording. It was an enormous and very challenging undertaking to compile and blend all the recordings . You will hear and see the virtual choir during this Mass. The singers include Kate O’Beirne, Kate O’Neill, Caroline Reid O’Brien, Eimear McSweeney, Liz O’Mahony, Mary O’Sullivan, Eileen Murphy, John Moloney, David Smyth, John Burke, Declan Foley and Shane Walsh. The violin part is played by Adam Walker, with the Joe, the composer, at the organ.